We are co-op shareholders coming together to advocate for policies that can help us green our homes, protect our environment and save us money.


Because climate change is an urgent threat, we strive to meet the ambition of NYC’s Local Law 97 — a landmark law that requires all large buildings to reduce their pollution over time. We do not want an exemption from the law – we want the City and State to provide resources so that New Yorkers can speedily upgrade and electrify their homes. 

Co-ops have particular needs, and programs designed for homeowners in single family homes and rental apartment buildings often exclude our kind of middle-class housing. 

From co-op specific navigators at the office that helps building owners comply with LL97 to the ambitious, state-wide Bucks for Boilers program, we are organizing to win the tools we need.


Questions? Contact Shay O’Reilly: shay@springstreetclimate.org