Our Platform

New York City

Designate Co-op Navigators at the NYC Accelerator

Co-ops and condos have different financing and infrastructure needs than single-family homes and rental buildings. The Mayor’s Office must designate and educate at least three Accelerator staff to understand our needs.

Pass the Expanded Solar Tax Credit

For some co-ops, solar will be part of their pathway to reduce emissions. The current solar tax credit is limited in scale and is not refundable, making it challenging for mixed-income co-ops and co-ops with large numbers of retirees to afford solar. Governor Kathy Hochul must expand the solar tax credit and make it refundable in her 2025 budget.

Authorize the “Affordable Housing Rehabilitation Program”

This tax abatement would offset the cost of capital improvements for low- and middle-income co-ops and condos, including electrification readiness, rewiring, insulation, and more. It has already been authorized by the State legislature. The City Council must pass Intro 654 by the end of 2024 so we can use this program to upgrade our homes.

New York State

Pass the “Bucks for Boilers” Program

To meet the state climate mandate and the ultimate goal of Local Law 97, we need to switch every home to high-efficiency heat pumps, thermal energy networks, and other renewable heating solutions. A project of this scale needs a big state investment that subsidizes the switch and the electrical upgrades for all of our buildings. The NY State Legislature and Governor Kathy Hochul must get behind the “Bucks for Boilers” Act (S9099/A9990).